Friday, June 19, 2009

Single Motherhood

Phew, I can tell you that I'm not cut out for single motherhood with three kids. I love each one of my kids, but being the only one there 24/7 has been a lot.

I can't wait for a little break on Saturday...unfortunately Brian has to leave again on Sunday for all next week.

I don't know how single mothers, military wives and those with husbands that travel a lot do it.

I just hope he can get in...we are supposed to have severe storms again tonight.

OK, my pity party is done.

Love you Brian :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how they do it either. I was a single mom but only to 1. It wasn't hard at all! LOL Now? I couldn't imagine!

    I hope he avoids the thunderstorm and gets home safe.


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