Thursday, May 14, 2009

Only Four Weeks Left

Wow, it is hard to believe that the kids only have four weeks left of school. It seems like it was just yesterday that we were taking pictures before their first day.

This summer Diane, my mother in law, and a teacher from day care are watching them on the days I work. Caroline and Julia are very excited to be doing different things each day. On Thursday and Friday when I don't work they will be home with Mommy and Sarah Grace. (Sarah Grace is still going to day care...we can't mess with her schedule :))

Soon they will be starting swimming lessons, art class, VBS, gymnastics, library programs, zoo visits, etc. Ah, to be in school again.

In my mind they are still little babies which is so far from the truth. I'll have a 1st and 2nd grader soon. Even harder to believe is that Sarah Grace will be a year old in a few months.

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